Dear Colleague,
On behalf of the International Society of Intraoperative Radiation Therapy (ISIORT), we cordially invite you to attend the 8th International Conference of the ISIORT held jointly with the 4th Cologne symposium for breast cancer, gynecologic oncology and radiotherapy, in Cologne, Germany, September 25-27, 2014.
Our meeting will take place from Thursday through Saturday. Whereas the first and the last day will be reserved for IORT of all other types of cancer, we take the opportunity to join the Cologne Symposium on Friday at the same venue. During the last years, this conference has gained a growing visibility among gynecologists and surgeons who are especially interested in IORT for breast cancer, thus building a unique opportunity to meet with new surgical colleagues already dedicated to the method.
Please consider your active participation in the 8th International ISIORT Conference. As in our previous meetings, we are very interested in your personal/institutional work in IORT and in associated scientific topics. Remember to block your agenda for the second week of September 2014, and start actions for meeting participation.
By renewing or applying for ISIORT membership for 2014, you will take advantage of the reduced entrance fees.
Together with the organizing committee and Board of ISIORT I send you my best regards and look forward to seeing you soon in Cologne,
Very truly yours,
Michael G. Haddock
President ISIORT